PRET Full Details- Rules, Syllabus & Pattern

No.GSfl01~3/BRT/l(VICJ2CJW612408/Ull<:- 309="" all="" and="" article="" by="" conferred="" constitution="" exercise="" in="" india="" method="" nbsp="" of="" p="" powers="" proviso="" regulating="" rules="" suppression="" the="" to="">of examination for recruitment to the post of Senior Oerk, Cass m, the Governor of Gujarat hereby makes the folloWing rules to provide for the method of examination for recruitment to the post
of Senior Oerk, Cass III, in the Subordinate Service of the Non­ Secretariat Departments and Offices of the State of Gujarat,

NOTIFICATION General Administration Department  Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar Dated the 5th March, 2016.

1. Short title, commencement anti "l'l'lication.-
(1) These rules may be called the Senior Oerk, Cass Ia in the Non-Secretariat Departments and  offices (Competitive Examination) Rules, 2016.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in  the Official Gazette.
(3) They shall apply to the posts of Senior Oerk, Oass III, in  the Non-Secretariat Departments and Offices of the State of Gujarat as specified in Appendix "A", to be filled in by direct recruitment
except the Departments and offices as specified in Appendix ''B".

2. Definitions. • In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(a) "Appendix" means an Appendix appended to these rules;
(b) "Board" means the Gujarat Subordinate Services Selection Board, Gandhinagar;
(c) "Examination" means the competitive examination for the direct recruitment to the post specified in Appendix "A" ; and includes written test and computer proficiency test;
(d) "Government" means the Government of Gujarat;
(e) "Heads of Departments or Offices" means the Heads of Departments or Offices of the State Government other than those  mentioned in Appendix "B";
(f) "relevant recruitment rules" means the Senior Clerk, Class III, in  the Subordinate Service of the Non-Secretariat Departments and Offices of the State of Gujarat Recruitment Rules, 2015

3. Educational Qualification and Age Limit- 
The candidate who possesses the requisite educational qualifications, other qualifications and requirements for the appointment to the post as specified in Appendix  A" prescribed under rule 5 of the relevant recruitment rules shall be eligible for admission to the examination.

4. Procedure for Preparing of Requisitions.-
(1) Every year all the offices other than those mentioned in Appendix  11B" shall send the requisition indicating their requirements  for appointment to the post ofSenlor Clerk as specified in Appendix
A" for the next year commencing from January, to their respective Secretariat Departments not latter than the 1st March of the year in the proforma as specified in Appendix  11C' in the manner as the State  Government may by a general or special order specify.
(2) The respective Secretariat Departments shall, then send the Board a consolidated requisition for all the offices under their administrative control indicating their total requirements for appointments to the post of Senior Clerk as specified in Appendix "A"for the next year commencing from January not later than the 1st April of a year in the proforma as spedfted in Appendix 'D" or in the manner
as the State Government may by a general or special order specify.

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