Five-time Parliamentarian and BJP’s firebrand leader Yogi Adityanath (44) was sworn in as the 21st Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. Keshav Prasad Maurya and Dinesh Sharma were sworn in as Deputy Chief Ministers. They were administered the oath to the office and secrecy by Governor Ram Naik at oath taking ceremony held in Kanshiram Smriti Upvan in Lucknow. Besides them 47-member council of ministers consisting of 22 cabinet ministers, 9 ministers of state (MoS) with independent charge and 13 ministers of states (MoS) also took oath.  The cabinet has 5 female ministers and 1 Muslim Minster, Mohsin Raza. Saudi Arabia Inaugurates Girls Council In a bid to encourage women participation in Work Force, Saudi Arabia has for the first time decided to launch a Girl’s Council. The meeting in the al-Qassim Province was attended by 13 male numbers while the women were present too but they were in another room linked via video due to strict Saudi laws on gender segregation between unrelated men and women. The council was about women participation in the work force from 22% to 30% as part of its vision 2030 program.

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What is PRET test?

PRET test is an aptitude test conducted over selected centers and cities/towns across the Gujarat state weekly to evaluate fresher/entry level graduates on a standard benchmark. This score is used by all Govt. recruitment bodies to shortlist eligible candidates who can apply/appear to recruitment exams/Interviews.

What is the PRET test fee?

The PRET fee is Rs. xxxx for the General candidates appearing for the first time.The fees structure based on the number of attempt and category of the candidate (i.e.SC/ST/SEBC/PH/General/Women) is given below : You can pay the test fee by online/offline mode

PRET Fees Structure :

PRET Syllabus, Question-paper structure and Adaptivity : The broadly covered subjects/syllabus for the PRET and proportion of weightage of each section/subject is given under “PRET syllabus and weightage to subjects ”The actual PRET test is an Adaptive test. Adaptivity of the test is explained under “Adaptive Test ”

How do I pay PRET test fee?

You can pay the test fee by online mode through credit card, debit card or Internet banking facility. Your parents/friends can also pay on your behalf using their debit card, credit card or net banking facility.

How many times can I give PRET test?

There is no restriction on the number of attempts for the PRET test. You can publish your best score which will then be visible for short listing process.However, there shall be a minimum duration of …………. Months/weeks between two successive attempts .

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