GPSSB District Allotment for Nayab Chitnis, Compounder & Ext.Officer (Agri.) 2016-17: Government Approves Solar Energy Scheme for Small Powerloom Units i. The Minister of State for Textiles, Shri Ajay Tamta informed the Lok Sabha on March 16, 2017 that the Government has approved a new scheme, Solar Energy Scheme, to provide financial assistance/capital subsidy to small powerloom units, for installation of Solar Photo Voltaic (SPV) plant. ii. Aim: To mitigate the problem of power cut/ shortage faced by decentralized powerloom units in the country so as to improve utilization, efficiency, productivity to face both the domestic and international markets competitively. iii. The Scheme is meant for Units having 04, 06 & 08 powerlooms and subsidies for different SPV plants will be given in the range of Rs 2,25,000 to Rs 8,55,000 depending upon the capacity of the SPV plant (4KWP, 6KWP, 8 KWP). iv. Besides, the Government of India shall provide financial assistance/capital subsidy to the extent of 50%, 75% & 90% of the basic cost of the Solar Energy Plant (Cost of Solar Panel + Inverter + batteries) to the applicants of General category, SC & ST respectively. v. The Scheme will come into force with effect from April 1, 2017.
Gujarat Panchayat Seva Pasandgi Mandal (GPSSB) published final selection & recommendation cum district allotment list for the post of Nayab Chitnis, Compounder & Extension Officer (Agriculture) examination, 2016-17. You can view final merit list & district allotment for Nayab Chitnis, Compounder & Ext.Officer (Agri.) by mention below link. You can view final result by mention below, in This blog You Can find Lots of Study Materials for All Competitive Exams Preaparation Like Tet, Tat, Htat, Gsssb Police Constable, Talati, junior clerk Examsthe applicant take patience because Gujarat Subordinate Service Selection Board has much take a time to declared the result because it is not a easy task to declared the exam .It take some few day to declared the result . There are many process to declared the result .Candidate to have a request to stay and contact with us through the comment .And for detail read the complete passage for get the more detail.
Name of posts, Advertisement No. & Exam held on:
- Nayab Chitnis (Advt. No.: 2/2016-17): 22/01/2017
- Compounder (Advt. No.: 12/2016-17): 05/02/2017
- Extension Officer (Agriculture) (Advt. No.:4/2016-17): 04/02/2017
View Selection list & District Allotment List:
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