GSRTC Recruitment 2017 Imp Notification Computer Test regarding For Various Posts

GSRTC Bharti 2017 Driver, Conductor Recruitment Notification. GSRTC Sarkari Vacancy 2017— It is informed to all the candidates who have been waiting for the driver and conductor recruitment in 2017. Gujarat state road Transport Corporation is all set to release the recruit notification for the posts of driver and conductor in 2017 sessions. This is great chance for all the aspirants who haven’t complete their graduation for any reason. A 12th pass candidate can apply for this recruitment through the online process. All the details about the GSRTC 2017 driver and conductor recruitment will be uploaded on the official web site as soon the official notification will be released. Exact date for the release of recruitment is not disclosed yet but from the internal sources it has been confirmed that the notification will be released shortly. Before to apply all the aspirants are requested to read the official recruitment notification clearly and follow all the given instruction carefully. If any candidate found wrong with his age limit or other documentation then his form will be rejected and the fee will not be refundable. All the candidates who are looking for the government sector job this great opportunity for them to get this job. Candidates will be selected on the basis of the written test and driving test. Candidates who will be shortlisted for the cut off will have to face a personal interview and the final selection will be decided after the personal interview.

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GSRTC Recruitment 2017

GSRTC is a transport corporation for the state of Gujarat, fully named as the Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation. This body was formed in 1960 with various buses and depots in the state. Since 1960 this department is serving the state with the transport facilities. To provide bus service across the state the department needs large number of staff to work effectively. When ever the department feels that they are lacking in the man power than immediately the reveals a notification conduct new recruitment in the department. As this year also GSRTC has stated that soon they are going to organize a recruitment exam to appoint the new candidates in the department. There are various vacancies available in GSRTC, as for the posts of Electrician, Helper, Mechanic, clerk, Junior Assistant, Junior Accountant, Store Supervisor, Traffic Controller, Store Keeper etc. To apply for these posts the age of the apply applicants must be between 18 to 33 years and education qualification must be as per the post. The process to apply for these posts will be started soon. The selection of the candidates will be completely based on the written examination. The date for applying and other related details will be completely available on the main website of Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation.

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