NCERT syllabus in Std. 9th and 11th of Gujarat board schools from June 2018

Gandhinagar: Gujarat government has taken a decision that from the academic year starting from June 2018-19, the subjects of mathematics, science and english will be taught as per NCERT syllabus through NCERT books in std 9th and std 11th. Sharing the details of this decision, education minister Bhupendrasinh Chudasama today told media persons in capital Gandhinagar that Gujarat board students will be able to compete with CBSE students and also do better in NEET and JEE exams due to this decision.

He said a committee led by principal secretary of education smt Sunaina Tomar was formed in this connection and pilot project was launched in 57 English medium schools in academic year starting from June 2017. From academic year starting from June – 2018 all schools under Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board will teach maths, science and technology and english in std 9 and maths, physics, chemistry and biology in std 11 in English and Hindi medium through NCERT books as per NCERT syllabus, while for Gujarat medium schools, the books will be translated to Gujarati. Similarly from academic year starting from June 2019, NCERT books will be introduced in std 10th and 12th gradually.

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