Vidhyasahayak Bharti Waiting List Call Letter 2017: Gujarat Education Board is a reputed board in the State of Gujarat. Every year board has conducted many types of examination to appoint talented and eligible candidates for the vacant post in the department. Now GSEB was going to conduct Vidhyasahayak Bharti Call Letter, which covers Primary Teacher for Std. 6 to 8 and HTAT (Head Teacher). Board has started application process on 25th January 2017 and the last date to apply online was 3rd February 2017. So, the candidates, who are applied before the last date they all can download their Vidyasahayak Waiting List on an official website. Waiting List list 2017
Name of Board: GSEB (Gujarat State Education Board)
Name of Post: Vidyasahayak (Primary Teacher std. 6 to 8 & Head Teacher)
Total Vacancies: 6000
Category: Gujarat Vidyasahayak Waiting List List
Official Website: TET 2 Waiting List List 2017
vidhyasahayak tet Waiting List list
Here we have provided some easy steps, which will help you in download your GSEB Vidyasahayak Waiting List List 2017.
- First of all official visit website or you can go through a direct link which has given below.
- Now select a link of Vidyasahayak Waiting List.
- Fill up all the require Information like Registration Numbers and Date of Birth.
- Click on submit button.
- Now you will get your Vidyasahayak Waiting List List, check it.
- GSEB Vidhyasahayak Waiting List List 2017 Available at
Here we have provided all the information about Gujarat Vidyasahayak and Head Teacher Waiting List List, so we hope you all can understand it. If any candidates want to more detail about it, so we suggest them visit the official website and get all fresh news. Also here in this article, we will provide latest updates by regular, so stay connect with us and bookmark this page. If you suffer from any problem-related to downloading of Vidyasahayak Waiting List, so write it down in a comment box, our team will give you best solution to solve your query.
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